Friday, January 7, 2011

ABPP 0022 Deployment

1. Select "Prepare For Deplyment"

2. Enter locations

3. Making deployment file

4. You can distribute "deploy.jar" to customer

ABPP 0017 User Authorization

1. Creaate new user activity file

2. Create new user activity, ex) seller_activity

3. Post "updateActivityInDB" method.

4. Map "role" and "activity" using "ROLE_TEMPLATE" table.

5. You can control authority for each workflow.

6. You can control authority for each screen component.

ABPP 0016 User Authentication

1. Import archived service "USER_SECURITY"

2. Select "Archived Service"


4. Generate incremental schema by solution setup.

5. Create user profile data in ../data/user_data.xml

 <REQUEST Name="addRole">
  <ID Value="BUYER"/>
  <NAME Value="BUYER"/>
 <REQUEST Name="addRole">
  <ID Value="SELLER"/>
  <NAME Value="SELLER"/>

 <REQUEST Name="addUserGroup">
  <ORG_ID Value="ORG_1"/>
  <DESC Value="Bookstore Buyer User Group"/>
  <AUTO_ACTIVATE Value="true"/>

  <REQUEST Name="addUserGroup">
  <ORG_ID Value="ORG_1"/>
  <DESC Value="Bookstore Seller User Group"/>
  <AUTO_ACTIVATE Value="true"/>

  <ID Value="buyer1"/>
  <LOGIN_NAME Value="buyer1"/>
  <PASSWORD Value="pw"/>
  <ORG_ID Value="ORG_1"/>
  <CONTACT_ID Value="ct-1"/>
  <LOCALE Value="en_US"/>
  <USER_GRP_ID Value="BOOKSTORE_BUYER_UGP"/>          

  <ID Value="seller1"/>
  <LOGIN_NAME Value="seller1"/>
  <PASSWORD Value="pw"/>
  <ORG_ID Value="ORG_1"/>
  <CONTACT_ID Value="ct-1"/>
  <LOCALE Value="en_US"/>


6. Load user profile data

7. edit xserver.xml

8. "User Authentication" is on.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

ABPP 0014 creating simple UI node for "creating new order"





view.x2ps vs start.x2ps

There are two reserved actions with respect to workflow interaction.
- view.x2ps: This is for invoking a continue workflow action wherein the
control goes to the post processing section of the current UI node. In our case
we are specifying view.x2ps so that our workflow would continue from this
UI node to go to the' add book from catalog' screen; control will then return to
this UI node for further actions.
- start.x2ps: This is for starting a new workflow. This needs two extra
parameters, workflow name and the service name which holds that workflow

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ABPP 0013 executing debugging

1. Click set debugger.

2. Set debug breaking point.

3.When you meet breaking point in your browser, debuggin window will pop up authmatically.

4. You cau see variable's value.

ABPP 0012 making simple UI with table editor

1. add a new workflow "wf_select_book.xml"

2. Edti new table editor's properties
name : te_1
description : te_1
service : SVC_STORE
table name : BOOK_MASTER
Model : SELECT
select property : BOOK_ID
is multi selected : Yes
assign selecttion : xml_book_selected

[Edit Next Nodes Tab]
output var : xml_output
output type : xml

3. Edit done properties.
name : dn_1
node input : xml_book_selected
type : xml
action : ...

4. Right-click in white background, and "click add to navigation"

5. You can see new workflow in menu.

ABPP 0011 unit testing

1. Edit xserver.xml.

2. After running server, you can see error message.

3. For unit testing,
    Click "Post" icon.
    ->Select a service.
    ->Enter input xml.

<REQUEST Name="me_persistLI">
   <ORDER_ID Value="Order Id 1" />
          <BOOK_NAME Value="Book Name 1" />
          <PRICE Vaule="99.99" />

4. You can see output result.

Monday, January 3, 2011

ABPP 0010 explanation about X-Rule

a rule file have many methods.
a method is composed of 3 parts(Input/ Output/ Action).

Input/Output must be XML format.
. thisParam: This variable is a reference to the input xml
. thisReturn: This variable is a reference to the output xml

ABPP 0009 making new rules

Normally in java, we have a java file which is composed of class/member.
In ABPP, we can map like this.
a java file -> a rule file
a class/member -> a method

And ABPP's input/output must be XML format.

1. Add a rule to a service.

2. Add a rule file to a rule.
3. Enter a rule file name.

4. You can edit a rule file.
A rule will be seperated by 3 groups(input/ output/ action).

ABPP 0008 creating workflow

1. Insert workflow file.

2. Enter workflow name.

3. Add "Start", "Table Editor", "Done"

4. Add values to "Table Editor"

5. Map menu and workflow.
6. Restart ABPP Server.

ABPP 0007 creating physical tables

1. By "Solution Setup", you can create physical tables.

2. Select proper services.
3. Select full or incremental generation.

ABPP 0006 creating service

ABPP project will be managed by each services.
So, each business process will be developed on each service.

1. Create Service

2. Enter Service Name.

3. Select Base Model Set.

4. "SVC_STORE" is created.

5. In your folder, you can see files in "properties" and new folder in "xservice".